2014.6英国华人艺术协会成立大会 UKCAA Lunch Party

以 “ 艺 ”为盟,广联天下

2014 年 6 月 6 日,英国华人艺术协会于英国伦敦正式成立。

英国华人艺术协会是一个致力于促进中英两国文化交流,服务中英艺术家发展及创作的非盈利性公益组织,协会将为中英两国艺术家、画廊、美术馆以及其它艺术机构和个人搭建一个交流和沟通的平台,并以“服务艺术家”为协会的工作宗旨和核心内容。有史料记载以来,第一个来到英国的中国人距今已经 400 多年了,在这期间,中英两国的交流不断的扩大、深化,中英两国的文化和艺术也在潜移默化中深刻地影响着彼此的社会发展和日常生活。19 世纪以来,层旅居英国的中国人中涌现出了无数的杰出人才,不胜枚举。他们推动了整个中国社会现代化的进程。20 世纪 80 年代后,随着中国改革开放政策的实施,越来越多的中国人走出国门来到英国,在这些旅居英国并在此工作生活的华人中,涌现出了一批优秀的艺术家,他们的艺术作品为英国当代艺术史增添了跨时代的一笔。新千年以来,随着中国经济的腾飞,和经济全球化的发展,中英两国的交流合作也更为密切,旅居英国的华人数量也越来越多,在这些人当中有一只不可忽视的华人文化力量,这就是在英国学习和创作的中国艺术家。为了更好地帮助华人艺术家以及更有力地促进东西方艺术的交流和发展,奚建军、盛奇和郭洛三位艺术家号召和发起并组织了英国华人艺术协会,希望将众多的旅英艺术界人士集合起来,共同打造一个文化交流和发展的平台,促进和提高华人在英国的声誉并为中英两国的文化建设和知识生产做出贡献。


英国华人艺术协会筹建以来,获得了英国华人社会的广大支持和响应,获得了各界精英的慷慨资助和鼎力相助。在此,谨对中国银行、庆龙先生、李国华先生、华语视像艺术节、佳德无限、艺触艺术咨询、ART.ZIP 杂志等为协会组建做出贡献的机构和个人表达衷


Presenting Chinese Art to the World

The establishment of UK Chinese Arts Association for immediate release

The UK Chinese Arts Association celebrates its establishment on 6th June 2014 in London.

UK Chinese Arts Association (UKCAA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to cultural exchange and communication between UK and China, supporting the development and creation of British and Chinese art. The association serves as a bridge between British and Chinese artists, galleries, museums and other art and culture organizations and individuals, and considers ‘working for the artists’ as its principle and essential task.

The first Chinese arrived in the United Kingdom some four hundred years ago. Ever since, there has been an ever more profound and ever broadening communication between the UK and China, and this communication has significantly shaped the social development and daily lives of both countries. Since the 19th century, Chinese immigrants have made substantial contributions to the UK, and have also propelled the modernization of Chinese society as a whole. Since the 1980s, with the economic reforms in China, there has been an unprecedented number of Chinese arriving in the UK. Among them, a great number of artistic talents have emerged and marked a new, inspiring breakthrough in the history of British contemporary art. In the new millennium, this group of Chinese artistic talents has gone from strength to strength and has already formed a community of artists that is immensely influential. In order to assist and accommodate the needs of this large community of artists, and to support wide-ranging exchange between UK and Chinese art and culture, artists Mr Xi Jianjun, Mr Sheng Qi and Mr Guo Luo together formed the UK Chinese Art Association. The UK Chinese Arts Association exists to provide a platform for the development of Chinese artists living and practising in the UK, to promote Chinese art in the UK, and to contribute to general cultural development and intellectual production in both countries.

The UK Chinese Arts Association is the biggest, most professional community of Chinese artists to date. It includes at least three generations of great talents. The establishment of the association is supported by its partner, Bank of China (UK) Ltd. The UK Chinese Arts Association and Bank of China will collaborate on future projects such as the ‘Art and Fortune’ educational programme. The UK Chinese Arts Association will regularly host large-scale exhibitions, lectures and seminars, educational programmes and various charity events. All are welcome to join us.

Since its formation, the UK Chinese Arts Association has been warmly supported by the Chinese community in the UK, and has received donations and assistance from all. We would like to thank the Bank of China (UK) Ltd, Mr Qing Long, Mr Li Guohua, China Culture Connect, Chinese Visual Festival, Opustique Infinity, ARTouch Consulting, and ART.ZIP for all your generosity and kindness.




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